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Frequently Asked Questions

February 15, 2022


What is AnimeThemes?

AnimeThemes.moe is the platform when it comes to streaming anime opening and ending themes. Whether it's a currently airing anime or that one niche show from the 80's, we've got you covered! Our repository has grown to over 15,000 videos that you can stream today.

How can I contribute?

Check out our encoding guides on how to make WebMs that meet our standards and to our various encoding effort listings.

Contact the moderation team on our Discord server if you would like to join our wiki contributor team.

Join us in our development effort discussions in the development channel of our Discord server if you would like to collaborate with us on our ongoing projects.

I don’t have time/knowledge to contribute, is there anything else I can do?

While completely optional, we are very thankful for any financial help we receive through our Patreon campaign. We have several tiers to choose from and there are also some benefits you can gain. Feel free to check it out.

Can I use AnimeThemes.moe for my own project?

You cannot use AnimeThemes.moe for a competitive or commercial service without approval from the moderation team. The moderation team reserves the right to deny or rescind permission for your project at any time. The moderation team will not be providing you support or making special accommodations to aid in your development effort. Additionally, this platform is not the place to discuss your development effort. Please message the moderation team if you have any concerns about the standing of your project.

Why doesn't AnimeThemes.moe have X feature?

AnimeThemes.moe was made for long-term file storage when drophosts were dying left and right. While the intent of our original development effort was singular, we are now actively working on making the site more feature-rich. Discussions pertaining to forward development can be found in the Feature Development category. You are more than welcome to contribute as we are always in need of help.

Where can I find full-length songs?

We do not provide or accept full-length audio tracks, insert songs, AMVs/MADs, covers, remixes, loops, interpolations, upscales or any form of OP/ED not sourced directly from its anime.


What is Themes.moe?

Themes.moe is a unique search engine that links your MyAnimeList or Kitsu.io account with a database of anime opening and ending themes. Searching for your themes is simple: go to the main page, choose your service in the dropdown box, and search away!

AnimeThemes.moe is the video host for Themes.moe. The database of Themes.moe is derived in part from legacy the /r/AnimeThemes wiki. We (the AnimeThemes team) are not maintaining the site and can’t help you with any questions regarding it.

Who owns Themes.moe?

Themes.moe is owned by Kagumi, a former /r/Anime moderator. Themes.moe is not owned or maintained by the AnimeThemes team, see the previous question.

Themes.moe is burning. What do?

Please make use of the Themes.moe Twitter to notify Kagumi. The AnimeThemes.moe team cannot put out the fire.

Backup Torrent

What is the AnimeThemes.moe OP/ED Collection Full Backup?

This is our torrent file that contains a snapshot of our repository of anime openings and endings. We will be updating and replacing this file quarterly. The current file can be found in the discord.

What is the AnimeThemes.moe OP/ED Collection Full Backup for?

AnimeThemes.moe is a file host for streaming anime openings and endings. Our intention is to share our repository with the wider anime community. The AnimeThemes.moe OP/ED Collection Full Backup exists to fulfill this goal in cases where AnimeThemes.moe may not be an optimal solution.

Usage Guidelines:

  • If you want to stream or share anime openings and endings with others, please use AnimeThemes.moe.
  • If you want to download a handful of anime openings or endings for personal archival or any other reason, please use AnimeThemes.moe.
  • If you want to mass download hundreds of anime openings or endings, please use the AnimeThemes.moe OP/ED Collection Full Backup.
  • If you are maintaining a non-commercial, non-competing project that requires a copy of our repository, please use the AnimeThemes.moe OP/ED Collection Full Backup.
  • If you are using AnimeThemes.moe in cases where we ask you to use the AnimeThemes.moe OP/ED Collection Full Backup, expect punitive action.
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