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Monthly Status Update - May 2022

June 1, 2022

Hello, welcome to this month's status update post. Here I will be sharing what's been going on with AnimeThemes.moe, where we are heading, how to help, and inviting feedback.


The listing of last month's account balances and posted transactions can be found here.

Our operational expenses decreased by about ~$40 from last month and our rolling balance increased by about ~$10.

Due to the wiki deployment requiring a change in our architecture, we will need to adjust our expectations for operating costs. As a result, we'll pay close attention to how this month goes and report back at the start of the following month.

Please consider supporting us on Patreon or Ko-fi if you have the ability to. Thank you to everyone who has supported the project thus far!

AnimeThemes.moe Development - The Wiki Release has been deployed!

We were able to complete the deployment of our Wiki release to a new production environment on May 31 as targeted.

This release represents two years of development to migrate our database from a subreddit wiki to our own webservice. Thanks to everyone that stuck around and helped us get to this point.

Browse our repository here: https://animethemes.moe

Videos are now served from this base URL: https://v.animethemes.moe

The API now lives at this base URL: https://api.animethemes.moe

The API docs can be found here: https://api-docs.animethemes.moe

Please let us know what you think and forward any issues you find to the mod team.


As stated last month, the staging environment at staging.animethemes.moe is intended to build and test new features for the application. Once validated, the changes are to be applied to our production servers at animethemes.moe.

You may continue to access staging.animethemes.moe if you want. We will begin deploying new features to this environment when development begins on the next release. With this in mind, please continue treating this as a "beta" environment where we cannot guarantee stability or uptime.

Future Development Timelines

As stated last month, we will reserve one to two weeks to address post-deployment findings. Afterwards, our next priorities will be list integration and audio-only mode to achieve feature parity with themes.moe. This was an agreement made with Kagumi at the onset of this effort.

Currently, we anticipate audio-only mode for late June or July with list integration to follow soon after.


Mod applications are still open. Now more than ever with our efforts widening and less of our team being active, we need some help delegating tasks out.

The backup torrent was updated 2022-04-01. The link can be found in the discord and in the one obvious place you should be able to find. The next update will be on 2022-07-01. Seeding is appreciated.

Please consider helping out with our Encoding efforts. We can always use more help there.

We are still looking to staff at least 25 editors to help us backfill and build out our database. If you are interested in helping out, please reach out to para here or on the discord. We have a detailed description of the role in our #help_wanted channel on the discord.

Next Month Priorities

Wiki post-deployment and starting themes.moe feature parity


Please feel free to discuss anything related to these items or anything else related to the project with us in accompanying social media posts, especially anything we may have forgotten. Feedback on the structure of these posts is welcomed too. Thanks again, everyone!

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