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HDKirin Parity

March 2, 2022

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A listing of sequences in HDKirin's Creditless Anime Openings & Endings WebM Archive that do not exist in the AnimeThemes repository.


Show titleNotes
Animal YokochouSource is bwings.
Babel Nisei (2001)
BettermanDVDRips and BDMV exist. They are absolutely cursed.
Boukyaku no SenritsuDVDRemux exists
Clamp Gakuen TanteidanSource is bwings.
Detective TrapBakuman Meta-anime. Potential Source: VCB-Studio.
Eden's BowySource is bwings.
Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki The AnimationBDMV exists.
Genei Toushi Bastof LemonKorean Dub?
Lupin III: Cagliostro no ShiroPotential Source: Beatrice.
Ougon Yuusha GoldranBDs bought by HDKirin themselves.
Rental MagicaCursed Shinsen-Subs & Exiled-Destiny DVDRip releases exist.
Rokumon Tengai Mon Colle KnightsSource is bwings. DVDISO exists.
Samurai Girl Real Bout High SchoolSource is bwings. Both R1 & R2 DVD releases have issues.
Shichinin no NanaDVDRemux and DVDRips exist. Quality is rough.
Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst: Toujou Basara no Shigoku Heiwa na Nichijou
Sora no Otoshimono: Project PinkMissing OVA sequence. VCB-Studio batch exists. Please backfill needed replacements and other missing entries.
Soukou Kihei VOTOMS: Genei-hen OPMoozzi and LowPower BDBox release exists.
Soukou Kihei VOTOMS: Pailsen Files OPMoozzi and LowPower BDBox release exists.
Super Hero LegendBakuman Meta-anime. Potential Source: VCB-Studio.
Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Divine WarsOld DVDRip exists.
Taiyou no Yuusha FighbirdBDs bought by HDKirin themselves. Old DVDRips are not properly deinterlaced.
Tobe! IsamiSource is bwings.
Yuusha ExkaiserBDs bought by HDKirin themselves.
Yuusha Keisatsu J-DeckerBDs bought by HDKirin themselves.
Yuusha Seisen Baan GaanBDs bought by HDKirin themselves.
Yuusha Shirei DagwonBDs bought by HDKirin themselves.
Yuusha Shirei Dagwon: Suishou no Hitomi no ShounenBDs bought by HDKirin themselves.
Yuusha Tokkyuu Might GaineBDs bought by HDKirin themselves.
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